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Welcome to PREP

August 16, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I hope you are enjoying the remaining days of summer and had an enjoyable and restful time. 

As the school year is about to begin, so, too, is our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). We will begin, as always, with Mass, on Sunday, September 17 at 6 pm in Annunciation Church. At that time our 8th graders will participate in the annual Inscription Service, where they will publicly proclaim their intentions to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. All parents and family members are invited to attend. This Mass will fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation. Following Mass, you can come to your child's classroom to meet the catechists. 

As always, we look forward to seeing your children each Sunday evening. The Diocese allows for 3 excused absences per year. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can occur, and, if this should happen, kindly reach out to the Pastor or DRE. 

The Catholic education of your children begins at home with YOU as the primary educator, with PREP, and the catechists, as an extension of that education. Presently, we are in need of a 4th grade and 7th grade catechist. The successful continuation of our program depends on a full complement of catechists. If you are interested in helping to provide this vital service, please contact the rectory office (570-874-0610, x 4) as soon as possible. "Team Teachers" are also welcome. All State and Diocesan clearances are required. 

Registration forms are included with this letter. Please complete the registration forms and return to the Parish Office or drop in the weekly collection prior to September 4 in order that we can order all necessary materials/books. Payment is vitally important to obtaining our books, as well as the maintenance and upkeep of the school building. If you have difficulty with payment, please contact the rectory as soon as possible so that alternate payment options can be made. 

As always, thank you for entrusting the religious education of your children to us. We look forward to seeing your children for another successful PREP year. Feel free to reach out with any questions. 


Eileen Barlow, DRE 

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